Author, Speaker, Blogger.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” – Psalm 19:14
“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” – Psalm 19:14
I was born on a Leprosy mission station in Nigeria to missionary parents. My parents got divorced when I was twelve years old and I turned my back on God from that time on until I reached my mid-twenties.
“This devotional is for everyone because, as the saying goes, ‘everyone smiles in the same language, and everyone grieves in the same language.’ Grief is grief whether you grieve in English or Swahili or Japanese. The devotionals contained in this book are as real as we can get.”
This book was written prayerfully, with hope. The title ‘40 Days – Time with God’ was chosen with care. ‘40 Days – Time with God’ can be used in many ways: for example, during the 40-day preparation for Easter, or, whenever Christians want to take stock
of themselves and be encouraged, or, as content for fellowship/study groups.
All God’s Stones reveals to us how we can use and apply Scripture in our everyday lives. By recounting real life stories and incidents that occur every day it reveals to us just how much we are loved by God and highlights the fact that God is concerned about the smallest details of our lives.
Noelene’s passion in life is for couples, not just to stay married, but to be happily married. In her book “God’s Promise for Families” she addresses some of the issues divorce raises in families and gives practical advice on how to raise children with a sense of their own value and worth and how to teach them that God loves them and rejoices over them. She also writes about God’s redeeming love and His ability to restore people and relationships.